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Oakridge S11 Recap

June 2023

Oakridge: Survival Unhinged Season 11, what a strange time for me. Running through my first year learning Architecture in class, you'd think that I'd be thrilled to play this season, but it was one of my least active seasons in a while (besides Season 10). It turns out, I was enjoying developing things in Revit so much, and struggling to find the time and motivation for Minecraft in a time that the overall Minecraft community was struggling from burnout after multiple low-activity updates. Despite that, over the course of this year-long season (our longest yet, and likely a precedent for seasons to come), I created some projects that I'm incredibly proud of.

As ever, a reminder that Oakridge is a survival bedrock realm that you can apply to here. This season, I begun with a teleport hub in the sky, an organic build based off one I found online. I then rebuilt Pixlriffs' Bridge from the Empires SMP to a valley here on Oakridge in survival, and then begun to create a landscape around it, to make it a unique creation rather than a simple recreation. In Winter, when we'd typically reset (After 6-7 months), I built a new spawn town for us, a form of a compilation of various wintery builds in a faraway snowy landscape, and it turned out fantastic. This season, I also lost a close friend, and built a memorial for her. To finish the season, we had a build competition themed around "seasons", and I twisted it into "nuclear winter", where a bank and its natural-dug-vault turned into a survival shelter for gear and persons storage. I can't say that this is my favorite season, but the people and community made it so special and I'm glad to see the direction that the community is heading. I can't wait to write another update in Season 12.